Ordering options
The easiest way to order is via our online store. You can register there directly and manage addresses and co-users. Guest orders without registration are also possible.
We also accept orders by fax on 040 380178 99180, as well as by email to kundendienst@spstiger.de or emailbestellung@spstiger.de. We also accept email orders informally, as long as the item, quantity and billing and delivery address are clearly stated in the email, or you have been a customer with us for some time.
Orders via our hotline 0251 981 156 7622 are also possible. There we need your customer number or your billing and delivery address, the exact article description or article number and the quantity for an order. Advice is not possible directly via the hotline, but you are welcome to leave your questions and contact details for advice from one of our technicians.